How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets

how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets

You might not want to think about this but over 3500 species of cockroaches live on earth. But only about 30 of those species have adapted to live around humans, especially in our kitchens. Their tiny body is full of filth and germs, so it’s no surprise we’re always trying to get rid of cockroaches in our kitchen cabinets.

But no matter how many times we stomp them, squash them, bomb them with toxic chemicals, these pesky pests always seem to pop up time and time again.

They can snack on your food, spread disease pathogens by contaminating food, appliances, and surfaces in the home.

In the long run, these pests can put a strain on your health.

Several different techniques are useful in ridding kitchen cabinets or other parts of a house of cockroaches, and I’ll introduce all of the tricks to you. But, the technique that works best for me I’m going to share first.

Before jumping into the techniques I’ll share the reason why roaches usually hide in cabinets.

Why are Roaches Hide in your Cabinets?

Kitchen cabinets are a particularly hot spot for cockroaches since they are concealed and usually out of reach. You just put your dishes and assets there and leave it be so this makes it an incredible spot to cover up and breed and feed without stressing over you frequenting.

The feces and eggs of cockroaches can cause allergies and asthma in people that are susceptible. so you will need to take decisive action to handle a cockroach pervasion before their populace outgrows control. 

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets

It’s important to act quickly to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets because all the items inside of your cabinets are at risk.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets

First the method of getting rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets I’m going to show you will definitely work for you if you are keen on taking the DIY approach. Trust me, I’ve applied many different approaches, and no other ways are better than using natural remedies. This method works for me well. 

1. Use just 2 ingredients: all-purpose flour or wheat flour and boric acid. 

2. Mix equal amounts of boric acid, flour, and sugar to make a dough. 

3. Make tiny balls from that dough 

4. Set the balls around the kitchen where you suspect roaches can live and feed. 

5. The flour and sugar will attract the roaches while the boric acid will kill them.

However, you need to mix those ingredients correctly to get better results. 

In my case, I’ve used 2 tablespoons of boric acid and 2 tablespoons of flour. Also, I use ½ tablespoon of sugar but you can use more than that. 

Also, you need water to make the dough. Use a small amount of water at a time. While you’re ready with small balls from the dough let it dry for some time.

I placed those balls in the corner of all shelves, under the washing machine, Stuck outside of the microwave door hinge and other corners. 

You can get boric acids from medical shops, you’ll get in the form of powder. Before mixing the ingredients make sure you’re wearing gloves. 

While this is extremely effective at killing roaches, boric acid can be extremely dangerous for pets and children. If you have a baby and a furry friend around your house please make sure you’re keeping these out of their reach.

This is an effective method to get rid of cockroaches permanently. but this will take at most 15 days to see results. You need to replace the balls with new ones once in 2-3 months depending upon the severity of your problem.

If you want quick or overnight results you can try some of these methods and see which one is working for you.

More Natural Ways to get rid of cockroaches from the kitchen

You can apply these natural remedies to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets. 

  1. Use eggshells. Eggs are another approach to dispose of these cockroaches. Simply get vacant eggshells and spot them inside your kitchen cupboards and they would prevent them from entering the racks.
  2. Powdered sugar can help too. Just put some powdered sugar in a little bowl and keep that bowl inside your racks.
  3. Bay leaves are characteristic cockroach repellent they don’t kill the insects however they scorn the smell of them. Simply place these leaves inside the cupboards and let them manage their job.
  4. You can use Red wine. To prevent roaches from ruining your food simply keep a bowl of red wine on the slab of your kitchen. Roaches won’t come nearby it.
  5. Use Borax powder to clean. Simply clean your cabinets with the assistance of borax powder or sprinkle it in the cupboards, you will see the difference.
  6. Use ​hot water and vinegar. Take some heated water, blend 1 portion of white vinegar and mix well, wipe slabs and clean around the cooktops with this arrangement and pour this arrangement in the kitchen drains at night, this will disinfect the pipes and drains and would keep cockroaches from climbing up into the kitchen.
  7. Hot water with lemon and baking soda works also well. Mix 1 lemon, 2 tablespoon baking soda in 1litre hot water, stir it well and pour in the drain outlets or wash the area below the sink or slabs with this solution. This will stop the breeding of cockroaches in the kitchen.
  8. Essential oils are useful too. Simply spray some essential oils around the kitchen and cabinets, and permit the fragrance to spread its magic.
  9. Use ​Neem extracts. Keep a few leaves of neem in the kitchen and you can experience a difference in just 3 days. You can also spray some neem oil mixed with hot water to stop the roaches and bugs from breeding in the kitchen.
  10. Use Cinnamon. Just sprinkle some freshly ground cinnamon powder around the kitchen. The solid embodiment of cinnamon can hold these bugs back from climbing up the kitchen sections and cabinets. 

How to Prevent Reinfestation

Don’t forget, roaches can reinfest from the eggs and other ways. Their eggs are hard to destroy. Just follow these tricks to prevent reinfestation.

How to Prevent cockroach Re-infestation
  1. De-clutter and Sanitize Your Cabinets. It is important to go cabinet by cabinet and play out a definite cleaning. This will take some time however being exhaustive is significant.  You may be surprised to see just how much spilled food, particles, crumbs and debris may be amassed in your cabinets. You should also take the time out to go through your cabinets and throw out food that you have no expectation of eating to diminish the mess.
  2. Seal the house to keep roaches from entering. You can try sealing cracks in exterior walls to keep bugs out of the house by obstructing their passageway. Also seal breaks wherever you can, inside your home. This takes time, but the payoff is great because you kill a large portion of their #1 stowing away and reproducing places. You need to fill each break inside each cabinet in your kitchen. Fill the cracks on the two sides of the floor, entryway, and window moldings. Fill all openings around pipes in washrooms and kitchens.
  3. Move yard debris away from the outside of the house. Cockroaches love heaps of wood and other helpful concealing spots, and as the climate turns colder, they’ll move inside the house to keep warm. Ensure your heap of wood is far away from the house. Eliminate heaps of straw, leaves, clippings, and some other yard waste.
  4. Eliminate Access To Water. You may have removed cockroach concealing spaces and essentially decreased their admittance to food with the few stages above, however, cockroaches can still survive if they can easily access water. Cockroaches can’t make it without water for over seven days. Knowing this information, you need to do your due persistence in keeping your kitchen and home in general as dry as possible. Address any dampness issues, for example, plumbing releases and dry-up areas of dampness. Dry your kitchen sinks totally toward the night’s end, get dry and taken care of all dishes and get dry whatever other zones that may have dampness to remove water so there’s not even a sip available for cockroaches.
  5. Use store-bought cockroach traps. Cockroach traps bait cockroaches in and afterward trap them with an adhesive. Get a few of these, and place them wherever you know cockroaches are frequent. This is an effective way to kill a small population of adult roaches.


Cockroaches are absolute experts when it comes to hitching a ride into your home. Cockroaches can sneak in from a delivery package, the cardboard cutout for a 6-pack of beer, or airport luggage. 

Once inside, it can be pretty difficult to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets. But by trying the methods described above you can get effective results surely. 

One more thing, If you’re leaving your home empty for an extended time, you can mop the floors with salty water. to prevent a re-infestation. 

But, if you can’t control roaches with these DIY techniques don’t bother to call pest control experts.

If you have any questions comment below. I’ll answer all of your questions.

Read Next: How to clean a kitchen sink (The Pro Method)

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