Slate Vs Soapstone Countertops

Slate Vs Soapstone Countertops

Slate countertops

Slate is a natural material used in the countertops of commercial and residential properties. Slate is formed from compressed layers of clay, shale, and quartz.

The texture of slate comes from the way the stone packs during formation to create a solid surface. A rough, uneven surface is what you will typically find in slate.

It has been used for thousands of years, most commonly for roofing and flooring in residential and commercial properties.

They are available in a wide range of colors. In fact, they are often stained on-site to ensure the best color results.


Pros of slate countertops

The pros of installing slate countertops are as follows:

It is very durable

Slate will last a lifetime and is designed for everyday use. It can stand the test of time and heavy foot traffic, making it perfect for your family’s kitchen.

It is unique

You’ll be able to find a slate color that best suits your style. Whether you want something subtle or more dramatic, slate offers something for everyone.

It’s affordable

If you’re looking for the best kitchen countertop for your budget, slate is the way to go. Many homeowners opt for slate, and it has a proven track record of quality and durability.

It’s environmentally friendly

Slate is mined all over the world. The material can withstand a variety of climates without crumbling or cracking. This makes it a good solution for your family’s kitchen.

Cons of slate countertops

Cons result from a few things you may not like about slate:

It can be heavy and fragile

Small pieces of slate could break if you are not careful. The surface of the slate is also very rough and could be scratched easily. It is best to use soft sponges or non-scratching cleaners in your kitchen.

It’s not easy to install

You’ll need the experience of a professional to install a slate countertop. Slate is difficult to install. Since there is no standard pattern established for such a project, installation could be difficult and time-consuming.

Finishes and textures for slate countertops

Most natural stone countertops are stained to give them their uniform color and protect them from scratches.

Some brands are made with special materials to resist scratching, staining, and the appearance of dirt and stains. Slate is no exception.

Slate countertops come in a variety of different finishes and textures:

Natural Split Finish

Cutting the stone in a split manner keeps the natural look of the slate. This creates a wavy surface for your countertop, giving it an aged look. It’s also perfect for stained colors or overlapping colors.

Cascade finish

This finish is achieved by stacking smaller pieces of stone, sometimes called “cascades”. It is composed of massive slabs of stone that look like small rocks cascading down the front of the countertop.

Honed finish

A honed finish is the smoothest of the slate finishes. It is created by polishing the surface to make it very smooth and even. This type of finish is also known as a satin finish. If you are looking for a very smooth surface, to the point of being non-reactive, then a honed finish is what you need.

Maintenance and cleaning of slate countertops

Scratches and chips are a major problem with slate. You’ll want to make sure you’re as careful as possible, especially if you have children or pets.

For cracks and chips, try filling them with a colored stone filler. If you want to match the color of the countertop, use an epoxy product.

If your slate countertop is stained, it will need to be cleaned using a different technique than the rest of your countertop.

Additional information about Slate countertops

Do slate countertops stain?

Slate does not start to stain. However, you may find that one of the darker colors has a slight tint. If this is the case, you can avoid staining by keeping a lighter-colored towel and sponge handy. Wipe down your countertop after breakfast and lunch.


Are slate countertops smooth?

They are not as smooth as granite, but they are not rough like marble. Their texture is created by the way the stone settles as it forms. The result is a natural surface you’ll love in your kitchen.

How much does a slate countertop cost?

Most slate countertops cost about $50 to $65 per square foot. You’ll save money and enjoy a unique look in your kitchen that is priceless.

Is slate cheaper than granite?

The cost of a slate countertop will be about the same as a granite countertop, except that you won’t have to pay for installation.

Is slate cheaper than soapstone?

If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative countertop, soapstone is the way to go. It’s about the same price as a granite or slate countertop.


Soapstone countertop

Soapstone has great stain resistance and warmth which makes it the choice of most people. The stone is also available in a natural gray shade that will be perfect for every kitchen style.

However, a soapstone countertop is not easy to apply especially if you prefer to apply brighter colors to your kitchen.

Indeed, the stone is only available in a limited choice of dark colors. In addition, the process of forming the stone also makes it less durable and vulnerable to damage.

Quartz Countertops

The last sexy stone countertop on the list is made of quartz. This stone is created from resin, pigment, and 93% quartz, making it a great choice for countertops.

Quartz stone is heat and scratch-resistant, making it difficult to tarnish. Like corian stone, quartz is also non-porous, so you don’t need to perform a basic sealing procedure to protect the stone. However, the stone does come in a uniform and consistent pattern and hue since it is a manufactured product.

However, this stone has a high cost which, in turn, will not enhance the value of your home as granite countertops can.


Granite Countertops

The first type of kitchen countertop on the list is made of granite. This stone is understood as a volcanic rock that has unique structures of beautiful crystals.

The beautiful appearance of the stone makes it perfect for any type of kitchen. The stone is developed under hot temperatures and pressure for over hundreds of years. This makes the granite remarkably strong and difficult to break.

Not only is the stone most suitable for kitchen countertops, but it is also very suitable for bathroom countertops because of its resistance to heat and scratches. This is one of the most common reasons why people choose granite for their kitchen countertops.

There are several colors of granite available, including green, blue, and neutral colors with unique patterns. The neutral design and appearance of the granite kitchen countertop will help you increase the value of your home.

However, despite the pros, you can get from granite countertops, there are some weaknesses that also come with it.

Due to the sophisticated look of stone, granite is relatively more expensive. Also, stone is considered a porous rock that requires a basic sealing procedure for maintenance.




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