How to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets

How to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets

It’s annoying for me every time when I see my kitchen cabinet doors are acting like a magnet for those sticky and unsightly grease stains. And even a few days back I had no idea how to clean that sticky grease off my kitchen cabinets

But in a busy happy home, it’s common. You griddle stovetop burgers on Saturday, fry up some bacon on Sunday and think nothing of it. Then, all of a sudden, after countless meals, you look at your cabinets and realize they’re filthy! Covered with a dark, sticky film of grease. How did it get there? And more importantly, what can you do about it?

You griddle stovetop burgers on Saturday, cook some bacon on Sunday and barely care about it. At that point, out of nowhere, after endless dinners, you take a gander at your cupboards and realize they’re filthy! Covered with a dull, tacky film of oil. How did it get there? And, more significantly, what can be done?

Grease that accumulates on the kitchen cabinets is often caused by cooking or greasy hands. 

Eliminating sticky grease from a kitchen cabinet requires some genuine effort.

However, I’ll show you how can you shine those doors easily with the two simple methods I use. I’m no expert. I also find these techniques just by crawling online like you. You can try both and see which one you feel more comfortable with.

I usually go with the natural one. That’s why I want to introduce you to that method first.

How to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets

To deep clean sticky grease off your kitchen cabinets just follow these steps:

  1. You Will Need: an empty spray bottle, wood polish, White vinegar, baking soda, Soft cloth, warm water
  2. Add 1 cup of warm water, 1 cup of white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the empty spray bottle
  3. Shake the bottle to mix all ingredients well
  4. Spray and wet the entire cabinet lightly
  5. Use the soft washcloth and wipe the entire cabinet very well
  6. Don’t miss the cabinet door handles and edges. Use a toothbrush for better results.
  7. You’ll see the difference instantly

You’ll need to rinse out the soft cloth with clean water often. Just pour some water into a medium-sized bowl and rinse the soft cloth whenever it gets dirty while cleaning.

In case of tough grease stains just use some dishwashing liquid on those spots.

Spray and wet the entire kitchen cabinet lightly

Add a few drops of your favorite dishwashing soap, into a bowl of warm water. Dip the cleaning sponge into the water and give it a good squeeze. Begin to scrub the cabinet back and forth with a soft sponge, following the grain on wood cabinets.

If you face a stubborn grease stain, apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the sponge, and wipe over again. Rinse the sponge and repeat until all the grease stains are removed. Wipe the kitchen cabinets down with a dry cloth to remove any remaining grease or soap residue.

After you’re satisfied with your cleaning let it dry for some time. Use wood polish to shine the wood. We’ll find these wood polish stuff in any home depot store or you can also order from Amazon. These things are best to shine your wooden cabinet like new.

Add a little amount of wood polish on your washing cloth and then polish softly. It can take up to 1-2 hours to dry. Yeah, just give it some time to dry, trust me you’ll love the end result.

I use this method once in a month or two. Of course, this way to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets is time-consuming but the end result always satisfies me.

If you want to save more time on your cleaning efforts let’s dive into the second method.

Clean sticky grease off with Murphy’s Oil Soap Quickly

Now I’m going to show you a speed cleaning way to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets. If you have a large kitchen cabinet with lots of panels and drawers then you need to apply this method. 

You need to use murphy oil soap wood cleaner. It’s a ready to use product. You spray it on and do the cleaning. No rinsing required.

Clean sticky grease off with Murphy’s Oil Soap Quickly

Also, you need to use an electric grill. Most of us have an electric drill in our house somewhere or in the garage. If you don’t have one, it’s a good investment. You must be wondering why you need a grill? 

Well, you can use a drill bit brush that is designed for kitchen cabinets. You can just attach it with the drill, screw it on and you are good to go. You can usually get these from any retail in a set of four. This will replace the need for soft cloths or brushes.

Before jump into the cleaning process just make sure you’re wearing safety glasses and disposable gloves. It’s not necessary though but it’s always better to beware of your personal protection

Follow these steps to speed clean your cabinet with murphy’s oil soap:

  1. Spray the oil soap one door at a time and clean with the drill bit brush
  2. Go up and down where the panels of the doors go up and down with the drill bit brush
  3. Go across the top where the grain of the wood goes across the top of the panel
  4. Wipe down with a clean cloth when you’re done
  5. Repeat the process in every door and drawer one by one. 

However, Don’t wet the entire cabinet with oil soap like the first method. Do a section at once. 

So you see, this how quickly this goes. And within a matter of a couple of minutes, you can deep clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets shine your entire kitchen. 

How to prevent a Grease Build Up in future

Now your kitchen cabinets are sparkling clean it’s time to quickly note the future to do to avoid grease building up on kitchen cupboards.

  1. Wipe the hob and cupboard doors clean every week. Simply use a soft cloth and a degreaser to remove any new grease marks.
  2. Consistently wash your hands when cooking. This will keep the oil from moving from your hands onto the cabinet doors.

Hope you got your solution on how you can clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets. If you have a small kitchen use the first method. And for a large kitchen with lots of doors I recommend using the Murphy’s Oil Soap method. 

If you have any questions just comment below. I’ll try my best to help you.

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